By Jeff Baird

In just over a year I have lost two dear friends who were both named John. Tonight, I hadn’t planned on writing anything. Had just sat down for a nice dinner and suddenly I hear, “Dear John” in my head. I wasn’t surprised that I heard those two words. You see, I’ve been thinking about both of these guys a lot lately – especially today. I loved both of them and I think they knew that. That makes me happy and helps ease the pain of losing John and John, who were both larger than life. It was an honor to spend some time with them. Just wish we could have had more time together.

Lesson learned. Some lessons are tougher than others. My lesson learned is this – Keep in touch with those who you care about. You’ll be glad that you did. I do my best to live a life without regrets. But, I do regret not keeping in touch with these guys over the last few years. Time marches on and we’re not promised tomorrow. Everything can change in an instant. We had some incredible times together. They both made me laugh really hard and laughter is in fact the best medicine. I could tell you stories. Sonofabitch John!

Later this week I’m driving back to my hometown to pay respects to a man who I respect a lot. He died at his desk last Thursday. It sounds like he went quickly which is comforting. Like I said, he was larger than life. He was a force of nature. John came through here like a hurricane and touched many lives. Last year around this time I went to my other friend John’s service up in the mountains on the land that he loved so much. It was a party more than a funeral. The BBQ was awesome. Our love for John poured out of all of us including the man who took off his clothes in honor of John as he read his tribute. John loved to be naked and would remind us every time we saw him. What I would give for one more belly laugh with either one of these dudes. Sonofabitch John!

I have been doing a lot of self-Reiki lately. It helps me stay grounded. The warmth of Reiki is comforting when we are dealing with loss. My hands are heating up as I type these words. Self-Reiki while holding crystals and stones like Labradorite, Black Tourmaline, Blue Kyanite and maybe a Trilobyte for good measure can enhance our self-healing and take it to a much higher level. Just for today I am not going to worry and I am not going to get angry. Reiki always delivers for our highest good and reminds us to be kind to all living things – which includes keeping in touch with the people that we love. Dear John: I Love You. Thank you for everything. See you down the road.

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