By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado

I used to be the most impatient man walking the earth until I learned to fully trust in God. My timing is nowhere near as good as His perfect Divine Timing. Trust and patience are forms of honoring God. This message was given to me during a Reiki treatment this last week.

My client asked if her guides showed up, and if they passed anything along to me. They did indeed, and I heard them loud and clear. “Trust. Trust and patience are forms of honoring God,” is what they shared with me. I passed this along to my client and she fully understood the meaning of the message.

When you choose to walk a spiritual path and actually walk the talk, it can only be done with high levels of trust and patience. There really is no other way, as trying to force things is a complete waste of time and energy. Trust and patience go hand in hand with one of Reiki’s precepts – “Just for today, do not worry.” Trust!

To worry or not to trust, or to be impatient is a direct insult to our Almighty God. Believe in His divine timing. Be patient with your growth and urgent with your actions as you learn the incredible freedom that comes with trusting. In an impatient, instant gratification world, these words may seem ridiculous to many. But, trust me on this – God rewards those who are patient and trust in Him. I would rather honor my creator than not.


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