By Jeff Baird, Sunrise Reiki Colorado

Today is a special day. We are hosting a Reiki Level I & II Class today and tomorrow in our home office. I just finished making my “Soulful Salad.”  A huge pot of “Rockin’ Reiki Soup” has been cooking all night and tastes delicious. A bowl of colorful fresh fruit is ready for today’s students, along with plenty of snacks. I love to cook and I share this passion with my Reiki infused food.

Each class is so unique. Sometimes, we get going and the food isn’t touched. Other times, we take the time to sit down and eat together. And, at other times, the students snack while they are watching some of the DVD’s that I share during the class. But, I always provide food and snacks for each class.

After introductions, we experience my “Meditation for Gratitude & Healing.” This is a powerful meditation, and is now a staple for all of my classes, regardless of the level. After the meditation, I give each student a healing attunement to set the tone for the day. Many talk about the many colors they see during the meditation. Sometimes, loved ones show up to let the student know that they are with them. Recently, one student discussed how she sat with Jesus and felt peace like she has never felt before. Everyone is different, but each student experiences a healing during the meditation that is perfect for them. Recently, I added my new “Meditation for the Stars,” for the Level I & II class and the Master class.

My Reiki classes are taught in a very special place that has been home to countless healings. People love it here and immediately pick up on the soothing energy of the space.  Higher Sources are always a part of our classes, and make their presence known in a variety of ways. I provide my handouts, along with books by William Lee Rand, Torkom Saraydarian and others. But, the Higher Sources lead each class and take us where we need to go in order to achieve the highest level of healing possible. I am simply a facilitator.

I introduce my students to a number of healing components during each class, and then they decide how deep they want to dive into each subject during their journey. As I continue to be a part of so many healings, sharing my experiences is a big part of each class. I am always learning new things, and then pass this information onto those who are in attendance.

So many new things have been added to the classes, and this will continue. Today’s class will have considerably more information than a Level I & II class had, even just a few months ago. A lot has happened during that time, and I share my experiences, if the information will help my students embrace healing at a higher level. Also, my students are my greatest teachers. The classes are very interactive, and the students determine how much time we spend on a particular subject, like healing stones and crystals for example, or chakras.

My classes are a hybrid of Holy Fire and “old school” Reiki. I do not formally teach Holy Fire classes, but incorporate many of the elements that I learned during my Holy Fire training. For example, each attunement is followed by an experience from Holy Fire.  These are powerful moments for students as they witness the wonder of Reiki while healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A Holy Fire Master Class is taught over three days with the ICRT. I teach my Master classes in two days. I think it might be my business background, that makes me so conscious of people’s time. I have become very energy efficient and this is reflected in my intimate classes where we are able to cover a lot of ground with smaller classes – never more than 4 students, out of my home office.

The Reiki training does not end when the class concludes. Just yesterday, I had a former student reach out to me. She took my Level I & II class, and Master class some time ago. We both learned from each other during our reconnection. It’s always good to hear from students as we learn and grow together.

My #1 goal for each class is to ensure my students are comfortable and able to work with Reiki’s healing energy as much as possible. They immediately start using Reiki after their attunements and experiences. This builds confidence as they are able to partner with the energy sooner rather than later. My philosophy is the best way to learn is by doing. We learn together and have a lot of fun in the process.

If you are interested in learning more about classes at Sunrise Reiki Colorado, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (720) 250-8107 or In addition to the scheduled classes, I do many one-on-one classes as well to accommodate people’s schedules. Hope to see you soon.


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